A lot of people have a hard time deciding whether to get a glossy print (has a shine/sheen to it) or a print without any kind of gloss or coating (no shine at all). Gloss tends to enhance the colors of a photo; however, it will make the photo more susceptible to fingerprints. Gloss also reflects light, which can make the photo a little harder to view without moving the photo back and forth or moving where you’re standing while viewing it.
For this reason, it’s typically recommended to go with a matte finish if you plan to frame your print. A glossy finish with a glass frame will reflect a lot of light and make the image that much more difficult to view.
For Christmas cards though, or anything unframed I’ll be gifting to someone, I always choose glossy finish for a little extra umph! (Some other examples would include our business cards, my son’s baseball cards, or a loose print as a gift with a letter.)
My passion is in documenting the lives of our families well (mine and yours), and teaching you how to do it too. Follow along as I share photography tips, inspiration, and beautiful portraits.
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